It's clear that she is a woman who invests in her appearance. In the video, Brown's large, round eyes are heavily lined and her mile-long lashes curve up and out to the side - her makeup is reminiscent of the '60s glamour Diana Ross exuded.
Her carefully sculpted swoops were frozen in time, an unpleasant reminder of the mistake she had made.
Her edges, which as many Black women can attest are quick to come undone with the most minimal disruption, showed no sign of loosening, even as she rubbed her hands over the area. At that point, Brown says she'd washed her hair 15 times and it absolutely wouldn't budge. Her hair, almost like an action figure's, was fused completely to her scalp after she substituted a can of Gorilla Glue Spray for her usual Got 2b Glued Blasting Freezing Spray - an actual hairspray - to finish off the sleek style. On February 4, Louisiana-based TikToker Tessica Brown posted a video showing the world that her hair had been stuck in the same, slicked-down ponytail style for a month.